BIM A+ European Master Course

BIM A+ is an European Master in BIM.

The objective of BIM A+ is to offer an advanced education programme on BIM integrated design, construction and operation processes. Additionally, it has a strong focus on the collaborative practices that are the cornerstone of such integration. The Master combines the diversity of expertise at leading European universities in the relevant fields. Also, it offers education oriented to a multidisciplinary understanding of virtual construction through the involvement of experts from complementary fields (engineers, architects, programmers and others).

The Master’s Course has a duration of one academic year and is held on a rotating basis among partners. Hence, each student follows coursework in one partner institution and dissertation in another one. The language of instruction and examinations is English. The degree awarded is a Master’s degree, provided as a double degree from the institutions involved.

Main partners

The main partners of BIM A+ are three Higher Education Institutions with noted educational experience in BIM:

University of Minho
University of Ljubljana
Politecnico di Milano (**)

** starting in October 2023, Politecnico di Milano changes its status to “Associated Founding Partner”, maintaining an important role on teaching and program implementation

Associated partners


R & D Institutions

Non-profit organization

BIM consultant

Design offices


Software houses