
Directive board

Miguel Azenha

Assistant Professor with habilitation

José Granja

Junior Researcher

Manuel Parente

Junior Researcher

José Carlos Lino

Invited Associate Professor

PhD Students

Mohamad El Sibaii

PhD Student

Mohamad El Sibaii graduated with a bachelor degree in civil engineering in 2011 at the Beirut Arab University, a Masters degree in "Sustainable Built Environment" at the Univerity of Minho in 2020. Currently he is a PhD candidate working on the subject of Standardization in the construction industry in the context of Building Information Modelling, as well as on the automation of data checks on BIM objects. From 2011 to 2018 he gained 6 years of professional experience working as a site engineer for 3 years, and as a geotechnical project engineer for another 3 years.

Andressa Oliveira

PhD Student

Andressa Oliveira graduated in Civil Engineering at the State University of Feira de Santana (Brazil). She continued her academic path with an MSc in 'Sustainable Construction and Rehabilitation' at the University of Minho. She is currently working on BIM methodology to support the operation of facilities. Precisely, developing a multipurpose FM platform able to reflect real-time alterations of a facility's layout and components' location based on object-level synchronization using the open format IFC.

Renan Rocha Ribeiro

PhD Student

Renan Rocha Ribeiro graduated in Civil Engineering at Federal University of Viçosa, in Brazil, and holds a Master in Structures and Civil Construction at University of Brasília, also in Brazil. He has worked in architectural modelling in BIM, as project manager and construction site supervisor in the public sector, and has been involved in monitorization of concrete structures. His research is about experimental methods to characterize the viscoelastic behaviour of cement-based materials, joining programming, electronics, and dynamics to propose new approaches in this field.

Maria Laura Leonardi

PhD Student

Maria Laura Leonardi graduated cum laude in Architecture and Building Engineering at the University of Catania (Italy) and she continued her academic path with an MSc in 'Structural Analysis of Monument and Historical Constructions’ at the University of Minho (Portugal). She is currently working on data science applied to structural analysis of historic constructions. Her main field of interest are ifc and openBIM, ontology, structural analysis and conservation. She focuses on nonlinear analysis using finite element method of masonry big compounds throughout parallelization in multiple CPU/GPU machines.

Talita Dal Bosco

PhD Student

Talita Dal'Bosco Re is a Civil Engineer, Architect and Urban Planner. She has a post-graduate degree in Executive MBA in Strategic Cost Management and in Auditing, Appraisals and Engineering Expertise. She has worked in project design, construction management of multi-story buildings, planning and cost control of medium-sized works for the private and public sectors, as well as inspection of public works. In line with her background, she is focusing her research line on the Management of Construction Processes with the support of BIM methodology with an emphasis on public works.

Tiago Ricotta

PhD Student

Thomas Russo

PhD Student

Thomas Russo holds a master degree from the University of Technology of Compiègne (France) in mechanical engineering. He is currently working on mechatronics applied to civil engineering. His objective is to develop and adapt cyber-physical systems for monitoring building materials' physical and/or mechanical properties. To achieve this objective, low-cost electronics and open-source resources are used in order to promote dissemination, flexibility and scalability of the developed systems.

Mara Pereira

PhD Student

Mara Pereira graduated in Civil Engineering at the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid in Brazil and continued her academic studies with a Master in Structures and Civil Construction at the University of Brasilia, also in Brazil, where she worked with an experimental study on the performance of self-compacting concrete in mechanical and durability properties. She is a PhD student at University of Brasilia (Brazil) and University of Minho (Portugal), performing experimental and structural analysis to investigate the influence of different proposed solutions to mitigate shrinkage in cementitious materials.

Ricardo Dias

Research Fellow


Bruno Muniz

Research Fellow

Bruno Muniz holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sergipe (Brasil) and has advanced his education with a postgraduate degree in Performance, Pathology, and Inspection in Civil Construction from INBEC. He has also delved into the field of Building Information Modeling (BIM) by developing tools to process IFC models. Currently, he is pursuing a Master of Science in Sustainable Construction and Rehabilitation at the University of Minho, having earned a scholarship from the EU-funded Change toolkit for digital building permit project (CHEK).

Vasco Vieira

Research Fellow

Vasco Vieira made his graduation and MSc in Architecture, in the University of Minho and one year in the HCU of Hamburg. In the moment is working on the project RecycleBIM with the packages of management of the project, developing the BIM data and specifications, the marketplace platform and the comunication and dissemination. For such, is developing set definitions for several BIM-uses, including the LCA/LCC based in the IFC-tool for diferente aplications and a connection between a MySQL database and an optimised import and data entry methods through the Application Programming Interface (APIs) to facilitate automatic filling of the databases.

Administrative Staff

Rita Oliveira
